Letterpress Workshops at the Hamilton

Hamilton WorkshopAs part of TypeCon2012, the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum in Two Rivers, Wisconsin will lead full-day letterpress workshops on Wednesday, August 1st and Thursday, August 2nd.Each day, the museum will offer two simultaneous workshops offering attendees the opportunity to experience letterpress printing in the 4000 sq. ft. printing studio. Attendees will use Show Card and Vandercook printing presses, plus selected type and printing plates from our collection. In another part of the museum, we will also offer a letterform cutting workshop. Participants will work with hand presses to create one-of-a-kind letterforms and prints using thin wood veneer and X-acto knives.Workshop participants arriving from Milwaukee will be divided into two groups. One group will spend the morning in the pressroom and the other group will be cutting and printing letterforms. Lunch will be provided in the museum. After lunch, the groups will switch workshop sessions. Sessions will be led by Jim and Bill Moran, with help from museum volunteers. The workshops will end at 5:00 pm and attendees will return to Milwaukee.The cost of these workshops is $150.00 for each day and will include round trip transportation from the conference hotel to the Hamilton, lunch (vegetarian option will be offered), and supplies.Registration for these workshops will be available once the main conference registration opens.

Photo by Nick Sherman


TypeCon2012 Program Preview


Programming Deadline Extended