Donate Your Typographic Treasures to SOTA’s Silent Auction

Once again, the Society of Typographic Aficionados will be holding a silent auction during TypeCon to raise funds for their educational activities. If you have any typographic trinkets, knickknacks, bibelots, ornaments, baubles, objet d’art, collector’s items, rarities, curiosities, oddities, kickshaws, or tchotchkes that you’re willing to part with … donate them to this year’s silent auction. Share your exceptional taste with other type fiends, clear space on your shelves so you can buy new collectables, and above all … help support a great cause.

Please email with the following information:

  1. Item name and description
  2. Author/publisher/designer/etc.
  3. Estimated value
  4. An exciting blurb or personal anecdote about the item
  5. Photo (optional)

If you are attending TypeCon, you may bring your donation with you and drop it off at the registration table at the hotel. If you won’t be attending TypeCon, but would like to donate items, please send us an email to receive the official scoop on shipping and such.

SOTA is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Thanks in advance for your support!


Jessica Hische & Ed Benguiat


Early Registration Pricing Extended Through June 5th