TypeCon2015 Call for Programming

Presenting at TypeConThe Society of Typographic Aficionados is now accepting programming proposals for TypeCon2015 — taking place August 12th to 16th in Denver, Colorado.TypeCon covers an increasingly broad range of topics, including: typography; type design; font production; graphic design; digital media; printing history; calligraphy; lettering; book arts; advertising; wayfinding; type in motion; literacy; type sales and marketing; legal issues; design education; and other related areas.We are currently requesting proposals for contemporary and historical presentations and panel discussions, focused hands-on workshops in both the digital and non-digital realms, and other special events.Our standard programming formats are listed below.

Deadline for Proposals

Deadline extended! Friday, April 24th, 2015The programming committee will make final selections and inform applicants no later than May 9th, 2015.

Main Conference Program

Friday, August 14thSaturday, August 15thSunday, August 16thFull-length Presentations

  • 40 minutes, including time for audience Q & A

Type in 20 Presentations

  • 20 minutes, including time for audience Q & A (if any)

Panel Discussions

  • Requires a minimum of three panelists representing a range of experience and expertise in a given topic. An experienced moderator is necessary for all panels — programming committee will choose a moderator at its discretion if an appropriate candidate does not emerge. A moderator may also serve as a panelist where appropriate. Panel discussions range from 45 – 75 minutes, depending on the topic.

Type & Design Education Forum

Thursday, August 13thThe theme of this year’s forum is: Condensed & ExtendedAs educators, we condense all of our experience and understanding into parcels of information for students to process through lessons within courses, semesters, years of schooling. Can you articulate how you condensed worlds of knowledge into a course or program, or how you condensed a course project into an exercise or workshop, and yielded successful results? What was considered essential, and what didn’t make the cut?Alternatively, can you describe how a project has been extended beyond a class, semester, or year? What type of project or course has warranted an extension and why? How is the momentum, and interest of students, held over an extended period of time?Proposals should express your experience of “Condensed” or “Extended”.

Pre-Conference Workshops

Wednesday, August 12thThursday, August 13thWorkshops should give attendees and opportunity to “get their hands dirty” and expand their creative and/or technological horizons.Full-day Workshops

  • 7 hours (with break for lunch at midday)

Half-day Workshops

  • 3.5 hours (no break)

Tours & Special Events

Wednesday, August 12thThursday, August 13thFriday, August 14thSaturday, August 15thSunday, August 16thAny events, tours, exhibitions, or attractions showcasing typography, design, or the visual arts in Denver and the surrounding region are welcome.

How To Submit

Proposals for the Main Program, Pre-Conference Workshops, or the Type & Design Education Forum may be submitted using the handy online form.Proposals or ideas for Special Events may be emailed to program@typecon.comYou may submit multiple proposals.Deadline for all proposals: Friday, April 24th, 2015Photo Copyright © Henrique Nardi. All rights reserved.


Programming Deadline Extended


SOTA Catalyst Award Call for Entries