Inside The “Resound” Identity

When the Society of Typographic Aficionados approached Hamish Muir and Paul McNeil to develop the identity for TypeCon2016, we were fully expecting something that embodied what MuirMcNeil is known for … a striking, cohesive, and ultimately modular design system.MuirMcNeil constructed a systematic visual hierarchy that operates across all graphic components. The entire system is based on an extensive set of custom parametric typefaces and corresponding background panels, utilizing black and PMS 802C neon green.The communication of information is driven by the content, therefore the visual structure vary accordingly within a set of defined constraints. In individual applications, different levels of information are emphasized or diminished as required, using predefined formats.A layered modular type system named MMcN TwoPoint consists of 56 base fonts. Through controlled layering, these base fonts end up providing over 3,100 additional typographic configurations to play with.TypeCon2016 Identity Lock upTypeCon2016 Identity MonochromeTypeCon2016 Identity DetailTypeCon2016 Identity Type VariationsTypeCon2016 Identity Social Media TeasersTypeCon2016 Identity Custom TypefaceTypeCon2016 Identity Custom TypefaceTypeCon2016 Identity Custom Typeface


TypeCon2016 Program Preview


TypeCon Programming Selection Summary