Type Crit Rules!

Type Crit

As mentioned in our previous post, the popular Type Crit will be celebrating its tenth anniversary in New Orleans.

This year’s cast of critics - Matthew Carter, John Downer, Akira Kobayashi, and Ed Benguiat - would like to fill you in on a few of the guidelines for participation.

  1. Sign-up will be open Friday afternoon until Saturday night exclusively to individuals who have never participated. Sunday morning, if there are time slots remaining, sign-up will be opened to returnees as well. There are ten time slots available. Each critique will last for roughly ten minutes.
  2. Each typeface presented should be limited to one weight and style. No typeface families will be considered, due to time constraints.
  3. At least four printouts of proofs should be brought to the session. No laptop computers will be allowed for presentations. Hard copy only. Text faces should show actual text set at an appropriate range of sizes.
  4. Cameras and recording devices are welcome, but spectators won’t be guaranteed an advantageous place for viewing, so please arrive on time if you desire a good vantage point.

The Type Crit takes place Sunday, July 10th at 12:45pm.

The sign-up sheet is available in the SOTA Store. Remember, space is limited.


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