TypeCon2010 Call for Programming

The Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA) is now accepting programming proposals for its twelfth annual conference. TypeCon2010 will be held August 17-22, in Los Angeles. We are partnering with many local and international organizations in presenting TypeCon2010, and look forward to offering a variety of affordable programming designed for type makers and type users from all walks of life.

We are currently reviewing proposals for contemporary and historical presentations and panel discussions, focused hands-on workshops in both the digital and non-digital realms, and a variety of programming for the Type & Design Education Forum and other special events.

Topics at TypeCon cover a broad range of interests, including typography, type design, font production, graphic design, new media, printing history, calligraphy and hand lettering, the book arts, advertising, type in motion, literacy, type sales and marketing, legal issues, type and design education, and other related areas.

Standard programming formats are as follows:

Main Conference Program

Friday-Sunday, August 20th-22nd

Full-length Presentations

40 minutes, including time for audience Q & A

Type in 20 Presentations

20 minutes, including time for audience Q & A (if any)

Panel Discussions

A minimum of 3 panelists that represent a range of experience and expertise in a given topic. An experienced moderator is required for all panels - programming committee will choose a moderator at its discretion if an appropriate candidate does not emerge. A moderator may also serve as a panelist where appropriate. Panel discussions range from 45-75 minutes, depending on the topic.

Pre-Conference Workshops

Wednesday-Thursday, August 18th-19th

Workshops should give attendees and opportunity to "get their hands dirty" and expand their creative and/or technological horizons

Full-day Workshops

7 hours (with break for lunch at midday)

Half-day Workshops

3.5 hours (no break)

Type & Design Education Forum

Thursday, August 19th

Typographic Assignments

15-minute presentations of effective and stimulating typographic assignments that make use of and generate a passion for type. Topics may include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Basic skill sets/foundations of type/typography
  • Basic lettering/letterform design
  • Type history/typographic history
  • Experimentation with type
  • Interactive/new media
  • Creative and innovative teaching methodologies

Ice Breakers

15-minute presentations that demonstrate creative ways to get students hooked on typography

Education Forum Workshops

One-and-a-half to two-hour experiential workshops devoted to exploring one type-related class exercise or project

FiveSpot: The Student Sessions

Full and part-time students of typography, type design, and related fields are invited to present their work. The FiveSpot method is: 15 slides, 20 seconds each (with simultaneous oral narration).

Tours & Special Events

Tuesday-Sunday, August 17th-22nd

All ideas are welcome that showcase typography and design in Los Angeles and the surrounding region

Proposal Guidelines & Requirements

You may submit multiple proposals.

In order to consider your proposal, we will need the following:

  • The type of programming spot you are seeking
  • The title of the presentation, panel, workshop, tour, or other event
  • A concise one-paragraph description of your topic (up to 100 words)
  • Complete supporting materials for review (visuals, theses, articles, abstracts, etc.) — the more details you provide, the better
  • Your biography, edited for publicity (100 words maximum)
  • Your CV, resume, or long form biography — including areas of interest and specialization
  • Speaking references (if you have not previously presented at TypeCon)
  • A short statement on why you wish to participate in TypeCon
  • A print quality headshot (TIFF or JPEG format, 2" x 2" @ 300 dpi minimum size)
  • Any other material that supports your proposal

Please use PDF, RTF, or ASCII files for text. Compress all files in a single ZIP archive labeled with your name and the type of program spot you are seeking (example: TC10_Main_LastNameFirstName). If your ZIP archive is larger than 20MB, please send a link to a downloadable file rather than an email attachment.

Email proposals to typecon.program@typesociety.org by May 10th, 2010.

The programming committee will review all proposals for possible inclusion in the conference schedule.


Font Aid IV Update


Font Aid IV Book Now Available