Donate a Typographic Treasure to the TypeCon Silent Auction

Bidding frenzy during the 2018 SOTA silent auction.Clear out your closet. Curtail your collection. Support a great cause.One of the most anticipated events during TypeCon is the annual silent auction, which raises funds in support of the many scholarships, awards, and community events overseen by the Society of Typographic Aficionados.We’re currently looking for donations of type, printing, and design-related items such as books, specimens, posters, prints, artwork, ephemera, collectables, tchotchkes … all flavors of typographic whatnot.If you have an item (or two) to donate, send an email to with the following information:

  • Name/title/description
  • Author/publisher/designer
  • Estimated value
  • An enticing blurb or personal anecdote about the item (optional)
  • A photo of the item (optional)

If you plan on attending TypeCon2019 this summer, bring your donation with you to the Hilton Minneapolis and drop it off in the SOTA Marketplace. If you can’t make it to the conference this year, but would still like to donate items, send us an email to receive the official scoop on how to ship us your treasures.SOTA is a designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all items donated to our silent auction are considered tax deductible charitable contributions. Your contribution amount will be calculated based on the closing bid for each donated item. Tax receipts will be happily issued upon request.Thanks for your support!


Keynote Presentation: Jean François Porchez


Keynote Presentation: Ryoko Nishizuka