Increasing Black Representation in the Type Community Now

A Virtual Town Hall

Saturday, July 18th, 1:00 pm PST / 4:00 pm ESTSOTA is holding a Town Hall because we know and recognize that Black Lives Matter, and we are open and here to listen, take advice, and make changes in order to increase Black representation at TypeCon. Working together, we are in a position to foster a much needed paradigm shift in our community.We understand the work involved because we set out to improve our processes toward inclusivity several years ago. We were successful then, and we can build upon that success. Along the way, we learned that sustainable change requires constant vigilance and everyone’s participation. Everyone who attends TypeCon is a contributor; we can’t do it alone.We know we might make mistakes during the process, but this cause is worth the effort. Start the path with us at the Town Hall.To RSVP and receive the meeting ID and password, email us:townhall@typesociety.orgMuch of this Town Hall will include SOTA/TypeCon asking you what can be done, changed, and created to improve Black representation. Your voice matters; if there are specific questions you’d like to see addressed or suggestions that should be added to the conversation, please email them by Tuesday, July 14th. The Town Hall will be spent discussing these suggestions and questions.


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Statement: Black Lives Matter