Handmade Design, Now Online

The Handmade Design silent auction fundraiser is now online.

Currently on display in the Collins C. Diboll Gallery at the Loyola University New Orleans, the exhibit features works donated by artists, printmakers, and designers including: Nancy Sharon Collins, Yvette Rutledge, John Downer, Ed Fella, Stephen Sidelinger, Daniela Marx, Richard Kegler, Michelle Melancon, Nancy Bernardo, Tom Varisco, Todd Childers, Tuan Phan … and many more.

Ready to bid? Email the Auction Item Number and the amount of your bid to dmarx@loyno.edu. A bid form will be emailed back to you to fill out. Auction prices will be updated every business weekday. Please note that final bids do not include shipping.

Bidding Deadline: August 26th, 2011

Handmade Design is presented by the Society of Typographic Aficionados in conjunction with Loyola University New Orleans with all proceeds supporting the Greater New Orleans Foundation Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund.


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