Type Crit Rules!

The always popular Type Crit is back in DC, celebrating its thirteenth year of laying down the typographic smack.This year's cast of critics once again includes John Downer, Akira Kobayashi, and the indomitable Matthew Carter. These masters of typographic analysis and elucidation will provide gentle, constructive criticism to designers submitting their individual type designs for review.The Type Crit takes place Sunday, August 3rd from 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm in the Lexington Room on the conference level at the Hyatt. A sign-up sheet will be available near the TypeCon registration desk.As usual, there are a few guidelines to review.

  1. Sign-up will be open until Saturday night exclusively to individuals who have never participated in a previous Type Crit. Sunday morning, if there are time slots remaining, sign-up will be opened to Type Crit alumni as well. There are ten time slots available. Each critique will last approximately 10 minutes.
  2. Each typeface presented should be limited to one weight and style. No typeface families will be considered, due to time constraints.
  3. At least four printed proofs should be brought to the session. No laptop computers or tablets will be allowed for presentations. This is hard copy only, kids. Text faces should show actual text set at an appropriate range of sizes.
  4. Cameras and recording devices are welcome. However, spectators will not be guaranteed an unobstructed vantage point. Please arrive on time if you want to secure a good view.

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